How Automatic Defrag Drives
How Automatic Defrag Drives
Automatic defragmentation of disks and thought I might as well post a tutorial about it here. Basically, it allows you to defragment a disk by right-clicking and selecting "defrag."
To do this open Notepad and paste the following code:
; Context_defrag.INF
, Add Defrag to the right click context menu in Windows XP
[Version] Signature = "$ CHICAGO $"
[DefaultInstall] AddReg = AddMe
HKCR, "Drive \ shell \ Defrag \ command ",,," Defrag.exe% 1" Next save it as context_defrag.inf at your desk or anywhere ... (Note: Make sure to save as all the files and not text documents!)
Right click on it, select Install and you're ready to begin the defragmentation!