How to find out The lost documents or files on your computer
Have you ever worked in a document (any document), save it, but now can not remember the name of the document?. To this end, locate the file, and if you remember at least the name of the application, you have a good opportunity to invest in the file. Now, the easiest way to find the file if you do not remember the name of the application that uses the file extension. For example, say you know I'm looking for a document I created in PowerPoint. I just need to seek the extension of the file in PowerPoint, which is "Ppt" as follows.
1. Click on the Start menu
2nd Select 'Search'
3. Select "All files and folders"
4th Choose "All files and folders"
5th Under "Look in:" I would choose "Local Disk (C:)" so as not to find any other drivers online.
6. In the "all or part of the filename: ', type: *. ppt
7. Select 'Date' to find files that were created or modified on or between specific dates.
8. Select type of search files of a specific type, such as a text or WordPad document.
Choose the size of the ninth search for files of a certain size.
10. Select Advanced to specify additional search criteria.
11. click on "Search"
Windows will look for any PowerPoint (. Ppt) of documents and, hopefully, give you a good search result. Now, looking under the "Date Modified" and the "Name", which migh be able to recognize the file and put in place.
Note that each application uses its own position and it is very difficult for us to list them all here, so we are including the base below. To find a file extension of a program that is used (no Microsoft product, for example), open a new document in the desired application and select "Save As" and looking for an extension under the "Save as" on the field. Most commonly used applications and file extensions are listed below:
File extension
doc. MS Word
. Xls Excel MS
. Ppt. MS Powerpoint
.PDF Adobe
. Exe. executable files