How to get victim IP address
To get victim ip address we have following options:
1 Php Notify Script
2 Send RCPT Email (Readnotify)
3 Personal website
4 Sniffer
1. PHP Notify script:
Upload the file "index.php" and "ip.html" to an free webspace account which supports php !
say victim to visit your site you willget his ip www.yoursite/ip.html
2. Send RCPT Email:
Sign up with , lets you know when email you've sent gets read with ip
3. Personal Website:
Use personal hosting and send email to victim about visit your site. You will get all ip and os and
browser details in your awstat and latest visitor section in cpanel.
4. Sniffer:
With help of sniffer like ethereal we can sniff chat (google talk, yahoo,msn) communication and
after we can extract ip address.
We can perform port scanning and vulnerability assessment for remote hacking with victim IP address.